
The Cypress Web Services are provided for use in your site’s Application Program Interface (API).

These services provide SOAP-based messages between the Cypress Client and Server. You can also develop your own applications to access the Cypress Server.


The Cypress Web Services are delivered with the Cypress Suite. The Web Services program (wcfsvc_prog.exe) installs in the main directory of the Cypress Server (for example: c:\Cypress\server).

It is installed by the Cypress Server installer, with this base address:

http://<cypress server IP>:11480/Cypress/CypWcfSvc;

and these Endpoints:

http://<cypress server IP>:11480/Cypress/CypWcfSvc/basicHttp;

http://<cypress server IP>:11480/CypWS;

http://<cypress server IP>:11480/Cypress/CypWcfSvc/mex;

where cypress server IP is the IP address of the Cypress Server.