OO Propagation for Data Named

Using the Type Browser

Click the Type Browser link near the top of the left frame to display the Type Browser view. The Type Browser link is available only if your user role has the proper permissions.

This is an example of the Type Browser view:

The Type Browser view displays a scrollable alphabetical list of all the object type names for the Type Group selected. By pointing to an object type name, you display the name of the package to which it belongs. For example:

If the becubic administrator has enabled the CAE connection option that shows subclasses, the Type Browser view displays the Type (category) pairs for all the possible category values of the existing objects. This is an example with the Program object type:

To limit the object types in the scrollable list

  1. Select a type group from the Type Group drop-down list.

The default type group depends on your user profile.

These are the predefined type groups:

  • Administration. The contents of the becubic::administration package.
  • All Types. Every object type in every package.
  • Analysis. The contents of the becubic::analysis package and the APM-related object types.
  • Model. Model elements (that is, the contents of the Model package).
  1. Use the text box near the top of the Type Browser view to filter the list of object types to show the name of the object type whose object instances you want to display.

For example, if you want to list the Program object type name, type pro in the text box. The list includes these object type names:

  • Process
  • Program
  • Program Call

In the text box, you also can use the asterisk character (*) as a wildcard and the question mark (?) as a single character wildcard. For example:

Enter To reduce the list to


Object type names ending with the letter p

p or p*

Object type names beginning with the letter p


Object type names containing the letters pr


Object type names beginning with the letter p followed by exactly six characters

You also can filter object type names by package. To do so, type the fully qualified name (FQN) of a package in the text box. If you do not know the full package structure, you can use the asterisk character (*) as a wildcard. For example, *::analysis::* reduces the list to all the object types that are contained in the Analysis package and its sub-packages. For information on packages, see the ASG-CAE (Common Analysis Engine) Reference Guide.

For all type groups, you can view only the contents of the packages that your becubic administrator has made visible to your user role.