Committing Work in Progress Content to Production

You can compare items that have been modified in the Work in Progress context with their item versions in the production environment. Once you reviewed the modifications, you can decide whether you want to commit them to production or discard them. Committing the modifications to production needs the required stakeholders approval.

To Commit the Work in Progress Content to Production

  1. Ensure that you are in Production environment. If you are in Work in Progress environment, then navigate to Production environment.
  2. Open the Work in Progress Review task from My Tasks option in Task Management Pathway.
  3. Or

    Open the Work in Progress Review task from the Work in Progress context in Version Management Pathway.

    The Work In Progress Ingestion window is displayed.

    The image displays the Work In Progress Wrokflow diagram.

  4. In the Current Action area, select the corresponding action from the list of available actions.
  5. The following table lists the list of available actions and its descriptions.

    Action Description
    Commit WIP to Production

    Specifies to commit the Work in Progress content to Production environment.

    If you select this action, all the modified items are moved to the production environment. The production environment is selected as the current environment, and the Work in Progress environment is deleted.

    Reject WIP as Incomplete

    Specifies to reject the Work in Progress content.

    This action informs the other users that the contained item modifications do not meet the requirements and needs to be revised. After the Work in Progress environment is marked as rejected, its contents cannot be committed to production until the environment is marked for review again.

    Dismiss WIP Data Specifies to dismiss the Work in Progress content.
    Delegate to User Specifies to delegate the process to a user and request the user to review the item modifications in Work in Progress environment.
    Delegate to Group Specifies to delegate the process to a group of users and request them to review the item modifications in Work in Progress environment.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Depending on the workflow configurations and the selected actions, the Work in Progress content is committed to Production, rejected, or dismissed.