Comparing Snapshots

To compare a snapshot

  1. Open the snapshot that you want to compare.
  2. In the Version Management pathway, click Compare Versions.
  3. The Compare Version Filter dialog opens:

    The image displays the Compare Version Filter dialog.

  4. Select the item type(s) that you want to compare, and click the Right arrow The image shows an example.,
  5. Select the Attribute(s) for the item type that you have selected in previous step. If you select multiple item types to compare, then the attribute selection option is disabled.
  6. Click Run. The Compare Version statistics is displayed.
  7. The image displays the Compare Version Filter dialog.

  8. Click Close.
  9. The Compare Versions table view is displayed.

    The image displays the Compare Version table view.

  10. From the Select Version for Comparision drop-down list, select the target against which you want to compare the snapshot (for example, the production area or another snapshot).
  11. The Select Version for Comparision drop-down list displays only the Production if there are no other snapshots to compare with the selected snapshot. In this case, proceed to next step. If there are other snapshots available to compare, then select the snapshot and repeat the steps from 3 to 6 and then continue with next step.

    The Compare Versions table view is displayed and the items that are listed in table are changed in the target since the snapshot was created.

    The image displays the modified items in the compare versions page.

  12. Right-click an item in the table view, then select Compare from the context menu to display the comparison details for the selected item:
  13. The image displays the comparision details of an item.