Using Ticker Portlets

Ticker portlets display information about the workflows underlying your data. They show the open tasks waiting for you and list key figures about the workflow-related data.

To configure a ticker portlet

  1. Click the Configure button below the title bar of the ticker portlet:
  2. The image shows an example.

    The Configure Event Ticker dialog opens:

    The image shows an example.

    The dialog provides these settings:

    Setting Description

    Ticker refresh interval (in seconds)

    Specifies the number of seconds after which the content of the Events portlet is updated.

    Shows updates in last n hours

    Specifies the time frame for which events should be displayed in the Events portlet.

    Maximum number of entries

    Specifies the maximum number of entries to be displayed in the Events portlet.

  3. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog.