Messages and Return Codes

Messages from Client and Server

The messages discussed in this section may originate in the client, the server, or the communication layer. Messages that originate exclusively in the server or exclusively in the client have special error numbers (for example, E204 and W0940, where E indicates an error message and W indicates a warning message). They are listed in separate sections of Server Messages and Client Messages section and, within those sections, they are listed in alphanumeric order by their error numbers. Error messages whose text is entirely self-explanatory are not included in this publication.

The messages listed in this section can appear in these locations:

  • In the server event log
  • On screen, mostly in dialog boxes
  • In the LASTRC entry within the start section of the initialization file of the client or server

LASTRC Message Format

A message in LASTRC has this format:

<error_type>; <message_text>

where <error_type> is constant. You can evaluate it in your own application. It may take one of these values: CANCEL, COMERROR, INITERROR, NOACCEPT, NOCOMOPEN, NOCONNECT, NOLOGON, or SERVER.

If such a message is displayed in a dialog box, only the message text is displayed without the error type. In the messages listed below, the error type is not included, and the messages are listed alphabetically.


Cannot create event queue

Explanation: There is not enough memory on your computer.
Action: Check your system resources.

Cannot create message queue

Explanation: There are not enough system resources on your computer.
Action: Check your system resources.

Cannot dynamically load CPIC functions

Explanation: The PCI functions cannot be found on your computer, or not enough memory is available.
Action: Check your system resources. Read the system literature for your machine to find further reasons for the error.

Cannot find start section <section> in inifile: <ini_file>

Explanation: The start section specified when calling Rochade does not exist in the initialization file.
Action: Check the section names in your initialization file.

Cannot find symbolic destination name in inifile

Explanation: The setting DESTNAME is missing in the initialization file.
Action: Complete the setting DESTNAME in your initialization file.

Cannot initialize socket API (code=<error>)

Explanation: The Windows socket library could not be initialized.
Action: Check if the Windows socket library exists on your machine and is up to date.

Cannot open code table <file>

Explanation: Rochade cannot open the file <file>, which contains the code page.
Action: Check whether the specified file is on your machine and, if so, whether you can reach it via the specified access path.

Cannot open INI file

Explanation: Rochade cannot open the initialization file that was specified in the call.
Action: Check if the initialization file is present on your machine and can be reached via the specified access path.

Cannot open redirected stdin ()Cannot open redirected stdout ()

Explanation: There is an error in the redirection of STDIN/STDOUT (standard input/output).
Action: Check the name, path, and access rights of input/output files in your redirection instruction(s). Information on redirection can be found in STDIN/STDOUT File Redirection.

Cannot start Windows Help (not enough resources or winhelp.exe not found)

Explanation: This error indicates that a problem occurs when the RPL command $WINDOW HELP calls the Windows help system.
Action: Check system resources and the Windows help system.

Cannot translate HOSTNAME=<val> into an address

Explanation: The value specified in the setting HOSTNAME cannot be translated into an IP address.
Action: Check these conditions:
Is a Domain Name Service installed in your TCP/IP communication?
Is the symbolic name specified in the setting HOSTNAME contained in the local TCP/IP host table?

For further information on communication, see TCP/IP Communication.

Cannot use specific width for <section> (<inifile>)

Explanation: It is not possible to display 24 lines with 80 characters per line on the screen with the set font.
Action: Select a font with which you can display 24 lines with 80 characters per line on the screen. You can use the program rofon20y.exe for Windows for selecting a suitable font.

Checksum error detected in program code

Explanation: Possibly, an incorrect code was specified for a file transfer (FTP); for instance, a binary file may have been handled as an ASCII file.
Action: Repeat the transfer in the correct mode (for example, binary mode).

Checksum error in code table <file>

Explanation: The code page in <file> is incorrect. Further work with this file is not possible.
Action: Replace the code page.

Communication section <section> not found in ini file <inifile>

Explanation: The section that describes the communication is missing from your initialization file.
Action: Check the completeness of your initialization file and add the missing section.

Communication system no longer operable

Explanation: The network was stopped explicitly by a command or is no longer available.
Action: Contact your network administrator. Restart Rochade when your network is working again.

Connection to server <server> could not be established[; <message>]

Explanation: An error occurred when the connection to the server was being established. The server computer could not be found or may not be running. If there is a <message>, it is coming from the communication layer.
Action: Find answers to these questions:
Is the server running on the specified machine (HOSTNAME) and is the value for the PORT setting correct?
Are the communication interfaces between client and server compatible?
Are the communication settings in the initialization file complete and correct?
Does the server have sufficient system resources? For instance, might the number of sessions be exhausted?
Has a network error occurred?

Connection to server <server> lost

Explanation: The connection to the server has been broken. The exact cause of the error cannot be determined.
Action: Search for the LASTRC setting in your initialization file as this indicates the possible cause. Try to locate the error using the server event log and possibly restart the server.

Connection to server <server> lost; Function <function> <message>

Explanation: The connection to the <server> has been lost. <function> is the function where the error was detected, and <message> contains an error message from the communication layer.
Action: Check your network and determine if the server is running.

Could not activate basic communication interfaceCould not activate communication interface

Explanation: These messages indicate that you have selected a communication interface (for example, TCP/IP) that is not supported by your network.
Action: Check your network settings.

Could not activate communication handler

Explanation: Not enough system resources (file handles) are available for communication.
Action: Check your system resources.

Could not execute STARTUP=<pre> in section <section>

Explanation: The predialog file or Rochade procedure specified in <pre> cannot be found.
Action: Check whether the predialog file is available or can be accessed via the specified path. If you have to execute a procedure when starting Rochade, this procedure must exist in the specified database.

Could not find setting <setting> in section <section> of ini file <ini_file>

Explanation: The specified setting could not be found in the specified section of the initialization file.
Action: Add the setting that is missing in the specified section of the initialization file.

Could not initialize communication system

Explanation: This error occurs if network software (communication drivers) is not properly installed or configured. As a result, the communication cannot be initialized.
Action: Check if the network software is properly installed and configured.

Could not open event log backup file <file>

Explanation: The file specified in the initialization file as the backup file for the server event log cannot be opened.
Action: Check the validity of the path and file name specified in the initialization file for the event log backup file.

Could not open message file <file>

Explanation: A file specified as a message file in the initialization file cannot be opened.
Action: In the initialization file, check path and file name of the message file in question. Also check if the given file is in fact a Rochade message file.

Could not open temporary editor file

Explanation: The file specified in the Rochade variable $ED cannot be opened.
Action: Check the value assigned to the $ED variable.

Could not reopen event log file <file>

Explanation: The server event log file specified in <file> could not be created anew after it was backed up and deleted. This can happen when, for instance, the server event log file is located on a network drive and a network error has occurred, or if the setting EVENTLOG in the initialization file is changed while the server is running.
Action: Shut down the server and restart it.

Current database closed by server

Explanation: The database you are using as the current database has a physical error.
Action: With the help of the service program rodbucx<os>, return the database to a physically correct and consistent state. For information on how to do that, see Ensuring Data Integrity and Service Program rodbucx<os>.

Current request <request> canceled by server

Explanation: The time the client had to wait was too long. The reason for this may be an error in accessing the database or a system overload. This message can also appear if the server was shut down in the meantime.
Action: Check if your network is installed properly and if the server is still running.

Current request <request> (<command>) not supported by server

Explanation: The version of the client is not compatible with the version of the server. You are using a client version that is newer than the server version (in contrast, earlier client versions usually can access newer servers). The RPL command that is not supported is specified in <command>.
Action: Use compatible client and server versions; for instance, upgrade your server version.

Current request <request> not supported by server

Explanation: The version of the client is not compatible with the version of the server.
Action: Use compatible client and server versions.

Data transfer to server <server> canceled by user interrupt

Explanation: The user has interrupted a data transfer between client and server (for example, by pressing ALT+F4 on a Windows system).
Action: None required.

Disconnect, communication link closed unexpectedly

Explanation: The server has broken the connection. The exact cause for the error cannot be determined.
Action: Establish whether an entry in the server event log or in the LASTRC setting of the initialization file points to possible causes. Contact your network administrator to localize the error and correct it.

Disconnect, communication link closed by timeout

Explanation: One cause for this error message could be that the server blocks too many resources and, as a result, the data transfer for the task is inactive for too long.
Action: Find the answers to these questions:
Are the communication interfaces between client and server compatible?
Are the communication settings in the initialization file complete and correct?
Does the server have enough system resources?
Has there been a network error?

Duplicate internal name <table> in code table <table>.

Explanation: In the CODEPAGE_FILES setting, internal names of code pages appear twice.
Action: Make sure that the specified code page names occur only once. Also check the code pages that you assign via files.

Duplicate redirection of stdin!Duplicate redirection of stdout!

Explanation: The redirection of standard input/output was specified twice in the command line.
Action: Check the redirection instructions in the command line. For more information, see STDIN/STDOUT File Redirection and Starting Rochade Server.

Error detected by server in current request <request>

Explanation: The server cannot interpret the data stream it received from the client.
Action: Contact ASG Customer Support.

Error while initializing internal client code table

Explanation: An error occurred during initialization of the client-internal code page.
Action: Contact ASG Customer Support.

Error while initializing internal server code table

Explanation: An internal error occurred during initialization of the code page that transforms client code to server code.
Action: Contact ASG Customer Support.

Event log appended to file <file>

Explanation: The current content of the server event log has been appended to the existing server event log backup file.
Action: None required.

Event log backup file <file>: write error <errorcode>

Explanation: A write error occurred during the server event log backup.

For the server, this is not a critical error. It means merely that the server event log has not been backed up.

Action: Evaluate the <errorcode> and check if there is enough disk space for the backup file.

Event log copied to file <file>

Explanation: The server event log was backed up to the file <file>. Any prior content in <file> was overwritten.
Action: None required.

EVENTLOGOPT setting rescanned by operator request

Explanation: The setting EVENTLOGOPT was re-read by the server.
Action: None required.

EVENTLOGBACKUP setting rescanned by operator request

Explanation: The setting EVENTLOGBACKUP was re-read by the server.
Action: None required.

External editor call failed

Explanation: The editor specified in the Rochade special variable $EDIT cannot be opened.
Action: Check the value assigned to the $EDIT variable. Also check if the editor path is specified correctly in the $EDIT variable and/or the operating system path.

Fatal error/no space for working area <wa>

Explanation: There is not enough memory available on your client machine to create a new work area or write into an existing work area. <wa> identifies the work area.
Action: Check your system resources.

HOSTNAME setting not available

Explanation: The HOSTNAME setting is missing in the initialization file.
Action: Write this setting with a correct value to the initialization file. For more information, see Configuring Rochade .

Incomplete DBCS character in command line

Explanation: This error occurs only under Asian versions of the Windows operating system if a command line ends after the first byte of a double-byte character. The interpretation of DBCS characters always expects two characters for a double-byte character.
Action: Repeat the entry and be sure to obey the syntax for entering DBCS characters.

InitError Gui

Explanation: The connection to the X server could not be established because no valid X server was specified or the X server refused the connection.
Action: You can specify a valid X server in one of these ways:
By setting the environment variable DISPLAY to a valid value.
By specifying the parameter display<hostname>:0.0 when calling the client. The README file for the UNIX client and the appropriate X documentation contain further details.

If the X server refuses the connection to the server, look up the UNIX command descriptions for xhost and xauth.

Initialization of API failed: <message>

Explanation: The API failed to initialize.
Action: Depending on where the API recognizes the error, you will find the text specified in <message> either in the present section or in Client Messages.

Insufficient memory

Explanation: The client does not have enough memory available.
Action: Check your system resources.

Insufficient memory reported by server; <server>

Explanation: The server does not have enough memory available for the required action.
Action: Check the system resources on the server machine.

Interface <comm>: could not load DLL <dll>

Explanation: The specified communication DLL could not be found.
Action: Make sure that your DLL is in one of the directories that your system searches for it.

Interface <comm> is not available in this environment

Explanation: The specified communication is not supported in this client/server environment.
Action: Check which types of communication are supported by your server. Correct the COMM setting in the initialization file. For more information, see Configuring Rochade .

Interface <comm>: missing functions in DLL

Explanation: The specified communication DLL does not contain all the required functions.
Action: Check the version of your communication DLL.

Internal error in code table <file>

Explanation: The code page contained in the file is incorrect. Further work with this file is not possible.
Action: Replace the code page.

Internal error in InitApplication

Explanation: A problem has occurred in the interaction between client and Rochade API. Most times, the cause is an error in the Rochade installation; for example, if the DLLs are defective.
Action: Check your Rochade installation, above all, the DLLs. If necessary, reinstall Rochade. Contact ASG Customer Support if this does not correct the error.

Invalid magic number in code table <file>

Explanation: The specified file has no valid magic number for code pages (Rochade searches each code page for a special magic number and can only process code pages that have one).
Action: Check if the specified file contains a valid code page.

Invalid Value !

Explanation: In an input field, a value was entered that is outside of the valid range for that field.
Action: Check the entry in question, then try again with an appropriately modified value.

Logon canceled

Explanation: The first $MOVELOG command is incorrect, or you have entered an incorrect user ID three times.
Action: Check whether a USER entry exists for the user in the database. Check whether the user has an entry in the user password table if you use password protection.

Logon to <server> canceled by timeout

Explanation: The connection to the server could not be established completely. The maximum time for establishing the connection has been exceeded.
Action: Check your network. Contact ASG Customer Support if you cannot solve the problem.

Logon to <server> canceled by user interrupt

Explanation: The user canceled the logon process to the server.
Action: None required.

Memory allocation failed

Explanation: This message indicates that memory resources are insufficient.
Action: Check your system resources.

Missing file name for stdin redirectionMissing file name for stdout redirection

Explanation: You want to redirect the standard input/output to a file, but you have not specified a file name.
Action: Enter a file name for the data redirection.

Missing setting in start sectionMissing setting <setting> in client start section

Explanation: A mandatory setting is missing or has been spelled wrong in the specified section of the initialization file.
Action: Correct or add the missing setting in the initialization file.

Network not ready

Explanation: Your network does not work or does not work correctly.
Action: Check if your network software is installed correctly. Inspect the network card in your computer.

New RPC SERVICE mounted.

Explanation: A new RPC service has been assigned to the server with the $OPER MOUNTSERVICE command.
Action: None required.

No database selected for 1st $MOVELOG

Explanation: An error occurred in the database assignment during client startup. Before the first $MOVELOG command, no database was assigned as the current database with the $DB command.
Action: Check the assignment of databases in the initialization file and predialog file. Before the first $MOVELOG command, assign a database to the client with the $DB command. Note that the USER item specified in the $MOVELOG command must also be contained in this database. For information on the $MOVELOG and $DB commands, see the ASG-Rochade Programmer’s Guide Volume 1.

No file name for Windows Help found

Explanation: This message appears if no help file has been specified in the current panel definition. In this case, the $WINDOW HELP command is called without the parameters that specify the help file. The help file is searched for in the help keys of all fields of the active panel.
Action: Inspect your panel definition with regard to help file specification and possibly add what is missing.

No fixed pitch font for FONTFIX in the <section> section of the <inifile> file

Explanation: The font specified in the FONTFIX setting is not a monospace font. It cannot be used for fields with the text attribute NORMFONT.
Action: Select a monospace font. For selecting a suitable font, ASG provides the program rofon20y.exe for Windows. For information on the FONTFIX setting in the initialization file, see Reserved Names for Settings.

No internal code table <table>

Explanation: The internal code page that you specified in the CODEPAGE or CODEPAGE_FILES setting does not exist in your system.
Action: Inspect the CODEPAGE and CODEPAGE_FILES settings in your initialization file and specify a code page that exists on your system.

No legal communication type found in section <section>

Explanation: The value in the COMM setting of the initialization file is invalid.
Action: Correct the value for the COMM setting in your initialization file. For more information, see Configuring Rochade .

No legal <setting> setting available in section <section>

Explanation: The <setting> setting in the section <section> of the initialization file is not specified or specified incorrectly.
Action: Check your initialization file and specify a valid value for the setting in question. For more information, see Configuring Rochade .

No more resources available for pciopen

Explanation: Not enough memory is available on your computer.
Action: Check your system resources.

No response from server <server>

The server could not be found or is not responding.

Action: Check if the server is running and if the communication settings in your initialization file are correct.

No section specified for communication settings

Explanation: The setting that describes the communication is missing in the initialization file. Another reason for the error could be that you specified the wrong section name for the communication or that the entire communication section is missing.
Action: Inspect the communication settings in the initialization file. You must either add to the file a section for communication settings or correct the name of the existing communication section. For more information, see Configuring Rochade .

No STARTUP setting available

Explanation: The STARTUP setting is missing in the <client_start> section of the initialization file.
Action: Add this setting in the initialization file. For more information, see Configuring Rochade .

Not enough memory for procedure call

Explanation: There is not enough memory available on your client computer.
Action: Check system resources and close applications that are no longer needed on the client machine. Restart the client.

Number of client requests exceeds license

Explanation: The number of clients permitted by your license has been exceeded, or you are requesting Rochade functionality that is not included in your license.
Action: Contact ASG Customer Support for a license that allows for more clients.

Out of memory

Explanation: Memory is exhausted.
Action: Check your system resources.

Out of memory while loading code table <file>

Explanation: Rochade does not have enough memory to load the file containing the code page.
Action: Check your system resources.

Object stack overflow

Explanation: Rochade does not have enough memory to create further objects.
Action: Check your system resources.

Panic, too many errors

Explanation: Your TCP/IP communication no longer works correctly.
Action: Check if your network functions properly. If you are working under z/OS, check if TCP/IP was explicitly stopped.

Physical error in database <database> reported by server

Explanation: An error occurred as you attempted to access the database. The source of the error could be a hard disk error or an inconsistency in the database.
Action: With the help of the service program rodbucx<os>, return the database to a physically correct and consistent state. For information on how to do that, see Ensuring Data Integrity and Service Program rodbucx<os>.

PORT setting has an illegal value

Explanation: The value specified in the PORT setting is not numerical.
Action: Make sure that an acceptable numerical value is specified in the setting. If a symbolic port number is used, verify that it can be resolved via etc/services. For more information, see Configuring Rochade .

PORT setting not available

Explanation: The PORT setting is missing in the initialization file section that describes the communication.
Action: Add this setting to the initialization file. For more information, see Configuring Rochade .

Rochade 4.x request <request> not supported by server

Explanation: The version of the client is not compatible with the version of the server. You are using a Rochade Client of version 4.x or earlier and a Rochade Server of version 5.x.
Action: Use compatible client and server versions.

Selected text too large - text in clipboard truncated

Explanation: This error can occur if you are working under Windows 3.x and the size of selected text to be copied to the clipboard exceeds 64 KB.
Action: Break your selection into smaller segments.

Server <server> and your client have incompatible version numbers

Explanation: You are using incompatible server and client versions.
Action: Read the pertinent release notes for information on the compatibility of client and server versions. Then use a client version that is compatible with your server version.

Server delivered words exceeding the maximum word size of <ln> for the client

Explanation: The server is using a word size that is inconsistent with the client word size.
Action: Use a client that can process a larger word size.

Service <rpc_service> unmounted

Explanation: The assignment of an RPC service to the server was terminated via a $OPER UNMOUNTSERVICE command.
Action: None required.

Session <session> scenario <scen> scheduling warning:Long execution time (<time> milliseconds) due to server overload.

Explanation: This message appears if a scenario <scen> has required a certain amount of run-time <time> without interruption. It indicates a possible overload of the computer.
Action: Check if other resource-intensive processes besides the server are active.

Session terminated by user interrupt

Explanation: The client was shut down by the user.
Action: None required.

Socket API - non-documented return code

Explanation: A function in your Windows socket library delivers an undefined return code.
Action: Contact ASG Customer Support.

Socket API - incorrect version

Explanation: The version of your Window socket standard is not up to date.
Action: Contact your network administrator.

Socket DLL - incorrect version

Explanation: The version of your Windows socket library is not up to date.
Action: Contact your network administrator.

Syntax error in client code table setting

Explanation: One of the settings CODEPAGE or CODEPAGE_FILES in the initialization file is syntactically wrong.
Action: Check (and correct as necessary) the syntax of these settings in the initialization file. For more information, see Configuring Rochade .

Too many columns in file from external editor! Truncate?Too many lines in file from external editor! Truncate?

Explanation: These messages appear if text that has been modified or added by means of an external editor exceeds the limits set for the number of lines and columns in the edit field of the panel. The limits are implied by the position specifications for the upper left and lower right corners of the text field.
Action: Reduce the size of the text in question so it will fit within the given boundaries of the edit field, work on the text in the edit field without using the external editor, or change the line and column limits in the edit field.

Unexpected end of code table <file>

Explanation: The file specified is incomplete or does not correspond to the structure that Rochade expects for code pages.
Action: Check the completeness of the specified file.

Usable local setting for ROCHADE missing

Explanation: Due to an unsuitable UNIX configuration, Rochade cannot find a character to represent the decimal point according to Rochade conventions.
Action: Contact ASG Customer Support.

Usage: %s [-Input=<in_file>] [-Output=<out_file>] [<section> [<ini_file>]]

Explanation: There is a syntax error in the command line.
Action: Check the command line for syntax errors, and reenter the command following the syntax indicated in the message.

User <user> not found

Explanation: No USER item is found in the current database for the name with which the user tried to log on.
Action: The Rochade administrator responsible for user administration must enter the user with appropriate access rights in the database. He can do that either via User Administration in AutoPilot or Metability.

User <user> rejected

Explanation: Rochade is working with password protection and the user <user> is entered as locked.
Action: A Rochade administrator with the operator privilege P (Right to create user accounts, set passwords, and reset the access lock) can use Metability to reset the access lock if the user is to retain access.

User interrupt

Explanation: The communication was interrupted by a user action.
Action: Contact your network administrator.

Value <value> contains characters other than letters !Value <value> contains lowercase characters !Value <value> is not an integer !Value <value> is not numeric !Value <value> is too high ! Value <value> is too low !

Explanation: These Value messages indicate that a value that was entered in an input field is outside of the valid range for that field.
Action: Check the entry in question, then try again with an appropriately modified value.

Wrong password for user <user>

Explanation: You entered your password incorrectly.
Action: Enter your password correctly. If login still does not work or you have forgotten your password, contact a Rochade administrator who has the operator privilege P (Right to create user accounts, set passwords, and reset the access lock). He can use Metability to assign a new password for you.