Scheduler Actions

Scheduler Actions allow the user to specify certain actions to be applied to the schedule for a given date. These actions can be modified without having the scheduler running so that when the scheduler is resumed, these actions will be applied to any currently scheduled items. Actions that can be applied to a schedule for a given date include skipping the item, cancelling the item, or having the item placed on hold.

Scheduler Actions have no effect on a process manually released. For example, if a scheduled process would be cancelled or skipped on the next day because of an action and that process is manually released, it will run.

This table describes the different types of Scheduler Actions:

Type Description

Schedule Actions

Any scheduled items for a given date will have the action applied to it.

Category Actions

Any scheduled items for a given date that have the specified category assigned to it will have the action applied to it.

Process Actions

Any process instances of the specified process definition that are scheduled for the given date will have the action applied to it.

Task Actions

Any task instances of the specified task definition that are contained in any process scheduled for the given date will have the action applied to it.

The following menu options are available to manipulate items in the list:

  • Change the date for all selected items
  • Enabled/Disable all selected items
  • Duplicate all selected items

Scheduler Actions can be setup in advance for certain items in a disabled state to save time during recovery and then when necessary they can be dated and enabled.

Trigger Actions

Ignores the triggers of the specified process definition for the given date. This will only apply to days where the schedule for that day has not been compiled. Selecting the Skip triggers for date option in the run dialog inserts a record into this list.

Expired trigger actions will automatically be deleted.