Scheduler Startup Options

There are times when system settings need to be changed prior to the scheduler starting up. The server_1.xml file facilitates these settings to a certain extent; however, this file was meant for static data such as the database connection information.

The scheduler supports a startup.cmd file, residing in the server directory, containing commands to adjust certain system settings. When the scheduler starts up, it looks for this file, and if present, will read this file and execute any known commands. These commands tend to be ones that can affect system performance and therefore cannot be changed through the UI.

In a high-availability environment where two servers are running, the startup.cmd file must be identical in both environments to ensure consistent behavior


PAUSE – Starts the scheduler in a paused mode.

ITEM_LIMIT – Limits the number of items in a process. The default is 1000. Setting this number too high could result in the process XML being too large and causing errors. Maximum size is suggested at 3000.

PROCESS_THREADS – Number of threads allocated to managing processes. The default is 10.

MAX_ACTIVE_PROCESSES – The maximum number of processes the scheduler will activate at any given time. This is to manage system resources. The default is 2000. If this number is exceeded, processes that can start will remain in a SCHEDULED status until other processes complete.

MAX_PROCESS_OUTPUT – The maximum length of output that can be mapped within a process. The default size is 64k. Data mapped to variables within a process is stored within the process XML and the size of the XML file is limited. Exceeding this limit will cause the process to error.

DEP_CHECK_FREQ – The frequency, in seconds, to check if process dependencies have been met. The default is 30 seconds. Checking for dependencies require database queries so care should be given if this value is reduced.

MEMORY_CHECK_GC – The frequency, in minutes, in which the current memory usage is checked and written to the log file.

PERIODIC_GC – The frequency, in minutes, in which java garbage collection occurs. The default is determined by the JVM. In some cases, setting this to 10 minutes may help with memory management.

SUSPEND_AGENTS – If set, agents will not be connected at startup.

SUSPEND_EVENTS – If set, events received from agents will not be processed.

SUSPEND_PROCESSES – If set, processes ready to be activated, will not be activated.

SUSPEND_SCHEDULING – If set, forecasted and non-forecasted triggers will not be processed. Essentially, only manually run and event triggered processes will be inserted into the schedule.

SIMULATE – All tasks will be run in a simulated mode.

Sample File












Lines can be commented out with the // character sequence. In the above example, the SIMULATE command has been commented out.