Validating a package

Pressing the Validate button will validate the package against the current scheduler.

Pressing the Remote Validate button will validate the package against an external scheduler.  When pressed, the user is given the option to select which external scheduler to validate against. When validating packages remotely, the current user's credentials are used in the API request.

The Remote Validate button will only be displayed if the user has security rights.

Validating the package from withing the package details dialog gives the following feedback:

  • A warning message is display for any definition reference that has not been included in the package, but the reference does exist on the current scheduler. 
  • An error icon will display for any reference that is not included in the package and it does not exist in the current scheduler.

The following screen shows an example of performing a Validate:

The icon on Daily ProcessB shows us there are references in the definition that are not included in the package. Expanding the definition displays which references are missing. In this case both TestJob and Weekdays references are not included in the package. If these references already exist on the target scheduler, this may not be of concern. To determine if they do need to be included, the user can perform a remote validate to see if they exist in the remote scheduler.

The next screen shows an example of performing a Remote Validate:

This example screen indicates the references do exist on the target for Daily ProcessB. It also shows jagent2 is a missing reference for Daily Task.