Zeke Direct

Zeke Automation Services is required on Zeke for Zeke Direct to work.

If you have existing Zeke dependencies defined in AEO you will be able to convert from DMS to Zeke Direct. If you do not have existing cross dependencies you will have to populate the required fields and select enable for cross dependencies or Zeke Extended tasks to work. The save button will not be enabled until all the required fields have been filled in.

AEO<>Zeke Dependency Conversion from DMS/zabroker to Zeke Direct

DMS communications between Zeke/Oasis and Zeke Agents is being phased out. This means that the method of passing cross dependencies between AEO and Zeke will change. Zeke Direct provides a more direct communication between the Scheduler and Zeke using RIS and agent technology instead of DMS. When enabled using the 'Enable Zeke Direct' button, the DMS connection logic is disabled (Zeke Broker/Agent are no longer used) and all Zeke Dependency and Zeke Event definitions are converted to Zeke Trigger Event definitions using the netregid and agent mappings below. Once enabled, this button will no longer be visible; and the legacy Zeke connection dialogs are disabled in both the web client and Windows client.

After the conversion you cannot create Zeke Dependencies or Zeke Events. Use Zeke Event Triggers instead.


  • A RI server, Registration Information Server. (See Installing ASG-RI Server™).
  • Each Zeke that shares cross dependencies must be configured as an Agent (See Implementing Zeke Services in the Zeke Install Guide).
  • Each Zeke that shares cross dependencies must be added to AEO as an Agent.
  • The Agents must have Zeke Trigger Event enabled.
  • A RIS encryption key. This is created during the RI server configuration.
  • If a firewall is in use on the Scheduler server the Zeke Direct Port needs to be opened.


The conversion cannot be reversed so it is recommended you take a backup of the AEO Database.

To convert the DMS definitions to Zeke Direct definitions:

  1. Copy the ris encryption key created during the ris installation to the config directory of the server. If transferring the RIS encryption key from the mainframe using ftp, make sure that the file is transferred in binary mode.
  2. Create an Agent for each Zeke you be converting from the Legacy DMS method to the Zeke Direct method. You must create the Agents before the conversion can be performed.
  3. Enable the Zeke Trigger Event service for each Agent.

    The Agent listening port corresponds to the ZEKE_AGENT_PORT defined in the Zeke environ file.

  4. Login to the AEO Web Client and select Authoring > Scheduler Properties > Zeke and you see a panel like the below.
  5. Fill in the correct information on the panel:

    Option Description
    Enabled Select to enable Zeke Direct.
    Zeke Direct Port This is the port the Scheduler will listen for communications from Zeke. If a firewall is in use the port will need to be opened.
    Scheduler NetRegID The Netregid the Scheduler be known as to Zeke. The Netregid will be included in data sent to Zeke and will be used by Zeke in When Clauses.
    Key File The RIS encryption key that was created during the RIS installation and copied into the server/config directory. It must reside in server/config.
    RIS Host MVS hostname or ipaddress where the RIS is running.
    RIS Port Port the RIS is listening on.
    RIS Host Backup MVS hostname or ipaddress where the backup RIS is running. If you are not running a backup RIS set the value to
    RIS Port Backup Port the backup RIS is listening on. If you are not running a backup RIS set the value to 0.
    Override Address Optional. Only required if the default ipaddress of the Scheduler server is not the ipaddress you want to present to the RIS and Zeke.
    Logging Config File defaults to logging.properties. It must reside in the server/config directory. It is only used to log RIS communications. Logging values default to INFO.
    Mappings Table containing the NetRegIds defined in the current Legacy Zeke configuration. Click in the Agent field next to a NetRegid and you can search for the agent you want to map the Netregid to. Repeat for all Zeke NetRegIDs.

    Click on Save and the ris.properties file in the config directory of the client manager will be updated.

  6. Click on Save and the ris.properties file in the config directory of the client manager will be updated.
  7. Click on “Enable Zeke Direct” button and your current Zeke Dependency and Zeke Event definitions will be converted to Zeke Trigger Events using the NetRegIds/AEO Agent Mappings.

After conversion the Scheduler Settings > Zeke will look like this: