Running a Process

To run a process

Select the process in the definitions list.

Select run from the list menu, or right-click on the item and select Run. The user will be prompted with the run dialog:




Name of the item that will run. This is a read-only field.


Date the item will be scheduled to run. This will also become the production date of the process.


Time the item will be scheduled to run.

Start on hold When set, the item will start in a held state and will not start until it has been released by a user.
Perpetual The process will run perpetually through the end of the day.
Skip Triggers for date Triggers for this process definition will be ignored for the given date. This will only be available for a date outside of the production window.
Variables Variables in the definition set to Prompt user for input will be displayed and can be edited.
The user must have proper security rights for the run option to be available.