Broadcast Process Using an Agent List

Using an Agent List allows you to run a process on multiple agents at the same time. This is useful if you have a set of actions that you need to perform on multiple systems. This allows you to run those actions all at the same time on multiple systems as part of any normal Process.

For this example, we will set up a Task that performs a directory listing of the contents of the C:\Temp directory.

  1. Create the Task. This is the task that will run on each agent. The value in the Agent field can be any agent but will not be used as it will be replaced with a value from the Agent List when the task is executed by the Broadcast Process.
  2. Create the Process that will contain the Task. This will be the Process that will be executed on every Agent in the Agent List. As with the Task, the value in the Agent field can be any agent as the Agent value will be determined by the Agent List when the Broadcast Process is executed.
  3. Add the Task to the Process diagram. It is important to set the Agent value to Parent process's default agent. This will ensure that the task gets executed on the Agent in the Agent List and not on a single, specific Agent.
  4. Create the Agent List. This list will contain all the Agent definitions where the Process will be run. Make sure that the Agents selected support the needed Services and that those Services are enabled.
  5. Create the main Process. This is the Process that will contain and run the Broadcast Process.
  6. Add the Broadcast Process to the main Process diagram. Set the Process field to the Process defined in Step 2 above.
  7. Set the Broadcast Type and Agent List for the Broadcast Process. For this example, we will set the Broadcast Type to Agent List since we want to execute the same Process on multiple Agents. In the Agent List field, select the Agent List defined in Step 4 above.

At this point, everything is set up and ready to run. After running the main Process, defined in Step 5 above, you should see output similar to the following: