Leave Request Process with Timer Event

This tutorial walks you through the process of designing leave request process application with timer event. This application includes the process of an employee applying for leave, submitting the request to the manager, and the manager approving or rejecting the request. Additionally this application includes a timer event to facilitate the organization policy of auto approving the employee leave request if the manager does not respond within twenty four hours.

This tutorial illustrates how to design the leave request process app through the following steps:

Verify Prerequisites

ASG-Studio must have installed and a database is available with the necessary data. For this example:

  • ASG-Studio is installed and is accessible through the URL - http://localhost:8080/index.html.
  • PostgreSQL is installed on the local computer and a database is created for this tutorial as per the following details:
    1. Database name: LeaveManagement
    2. User name: postgres
    3. Password: p@ssW0rd
    4. The public.Employee table contains the following columns and data:
    5. empid

      [pk] (bigint)


      (character varying)


      (character varying)


      (character varying)



      1 John Smith john.smith@myorg.com 1
      2 Richard Brown richard.brown@myorg.com 1
      3 Michael Williams michael.williams@myorg.com 1
      4 Mary Clark mary.clark@myorg.com 1
      5 Sarah George sarah.george@myorg.com 1
    6. The public.LeaveRecords table contains the following columns:
      1. empid (bigint)
      2. fromdate (character varying)
      3. todate (character varying)
      4. leavetype (character varying)
      5. leaveid [PK] (bigserial)
      6. managerid (bigint)
      7. status (character varying)

Configure Server

The leave request process app requires an SMTP server configuration to send notifications to the users of the process app.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Launch ASG Studio.
  2. Click Server from the menu.
  3. On the Server Configuration screen, enter the below details and click Save.
    • Select SMTP as Type of server.

    • Enter ASG Server as Name.

    • Enter smtp.asg.com as Host.
    • Enter 25 as Port.
    • Enter arunkumar.s@asg.com as From mail address.

Create Project

The leave request process app requires a project to contain the UI screens and process flow.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Launch ASG-Studio.
  2. On the Projects screen, click ADD. If you are creating your first project, click Create Now.
  3. Enter LeaveManagement as Name and click Save.

Create Datasource

The leave request process app requires to validate employee details and store the leave records.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the LeaveManagement project.
  2. Navigate to Datasources and click Create.
  3. Enter the following details:
    • Select Database as Type of datasource.
    • Enter Leave Management as Name.
    • Select PostgreSQL as Database Type.
    • Enter Localhost as Host.
    • Enter 5432 as Port.
    • Enter postgres as Username.
    • Enter LeaveManagement as Database.
    • Enter p@ssW0rd as Password.
    • Set Is Active to Yes.
    • Set Choose connection pool size to 5.
  4. Click Test to ensure that the database connection is working.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Add Custom Webservices and generate the following methods:

Create UI Models and Process Model

The leave request process app requires two UI models and one process model. While designing the UI models, you have to provide the reference to process model and while defining the process model the reference to UI model is required. So it is a recommended practice to create all the required UI models and process models before you start designing them.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the LeaveManagement project.
  2. Navigate to UI Models and click New.
  3. Enter LeaveRequest as the File Name and click OK.
  4. Click New again to create one more UI Model.
  5. Enter LeaveApproval as the File Name and click OK.
  6. Navigate to Process Models and click New.
  7. Enter LeaveRequestProcess as Name and click Save.

The UI models and process model are successfully created. After creating the required files, the folder structure looks as shown in the image.

Design Leave Request Form

The leave request process app requires leave request form for employees to submit the leave details for manager's approval.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Leave Management project.
  2. Navigate to UI Models and click LeaveRequest.vm.
  3. Add the UI controls and configure the settings of each control as below and save the file.
  4. Click Build to generate the application build.
  5. A new folder with the name LeaveRequest is created under the angular-workspace, dist folder.
  6. Click Preview to see how the LeaveRequest view looks like after deploying.
  7. Click Pack.
  8. A new file with the name LeaveRequest.rp is created under the folder angular-workspace, dist, prod, LeaveRequest.

Design Leave Approval Form

The leave request process app requires leave approval form for for manager's to view the employee request and approve or reject the request.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Leave Management project.
  2. Navigate to UI Models and click New.
  3. Enter LeaveApproval as the File Name and click OK.
  4. Add the UI controls as shown in the below image.
  5. Configure the settings of each control as follows:
  6. Click Preview to see how the LeaveApproval view looks like after publishing.
  7. Click Pack.
  8. A new file with the name LeaveApproval.rp is created under the folder angular-workspace, dist, prod, LeaveApproval.

Define Process Flow

The leave request process app requires a process model to enable the flow of leave request through different states.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Leave Request project.
  2. Navigate to Process Models and click New.
  3. Specify LeaveRequestProcess as Name and click Save.
  4. Draw the process model as shown in the image.
  5. Configure each element in the process model as follows:

Create App Roles

The leave request process app involves to user roles - one is employee and the other is manager.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the LeaveManagement project.
  2. Navigate to App Roles and click Create.
  3. Enter Employee as Name and click Save.
  4. Click Create to add another app role.
  5. Enter Manager as Name and click Save.
  6. The app role is created.

Create App Package

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the LeaveManagement project.
  2. Navigate to the angular-wrokspace, dist, prod, LeaveRequest folder.
  3. Perform the following steps:
    1. Click the LeaveRequest.rp file.
    2. Click +ASSIGN ROLE.
    3. Select Employee and click Save.
  4. Navigate to the angular-wrokspace, dist, prod, LeaveApproval folder.
  5. Perform the following steps:
    1. Click the LeaveApproval.rp file.
    2. Click +ASSIGN ROLE.
    3. Select Manager and click Save.
  6. Navigate to App Packages and click New.
  7. Enter LeaveManagement as Name.
  8. Enter 1.0 as Version.
  9. Select App Views, App Roles, Process Model and Datasources that you created above.
  10. Click Save.
  11. The app package is created with the name LeaveManagement_1.0.zip under the App Packages folder.

  12. Navigate to the app package and click Download.
  13. The LeaveManagement_1.0.zip file downloads to your local computer. You can now deploy this application in ASG-Zenith Portal (On-Premises) or ASG-Zenith Portal (SaaS).