File API

The File API allows you to read and write files based on the native file system of the device.

The File API methods allows you to perform various tasks like storing files in a temporary or persistent storage location for your app or storing files in other platform dependent locations. It also provides you information about the file and access their content in your app or web page. The File API is supported on Windows Desktop Browsers, Android Mobile Browsers and iOS Mobile Browsers, and Web platforms. Specific methods which are part of the File API may be available only in a single platform.

The following are some of the main functions of File API:

  • Access the file system
  • Return the file path of the specified file.
  • Create file and directories
  • Write to files
  • Read files
  • Extract file from a storage location
  • Delete a file or directory

File Storage Locations



File System Directories

This section explains the URLs to important file-system directories are provided. Each URL is in the form file:///path/to/spot/, and can be converted to a DirectoryEntry using window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL().

  • $m.file.applicationDirectory: Read-only directory where the application is installed.
  • $m.file.applicationStorageDirectory: Root directory of the application sandbox. All data contained within is private to the application.
  • $m.file.dataDirectory: Persistent and private data storage within the application sandbox using internal memory. On Android, if you need to use external memory, use .externalDataDirectory. On iOS, this directory is not synced with iCloud. Use .syncedDataDirectory to sync the directory with iCloud.
  • $m.file.cacheDirectory: Directory for cached data files or any files that your app can re-create easily.
  • $m.file.externalApplicationStorageDirectory: Application space on external storage for Android.
  • $m.file.externalDataDirectory: App-specific data files on external storage for Android.
  • $m.file.externalCacheDirectory: Application cache on external storage for Android.
  • $m.file.externalRootDirectory: External storage root for Android.
  • $m.file.tempDirectory: Temp directory that the OS can clear when required for iOS and Windows.
  • $m.file.syncedDataDirectory: Holds app-specific files that should be synced for iOS and Windows.
  • $m.file.documentsDirectory: Files private to the app, but that are meaningful to other application. For example, Office files.
  • $m.file.sharedDirectory: Files globally available to all applications.

Android File System Layout

Device Path $m.file.* AndroidExtraFileSystems r/w? persistent? OS clears private
file:///android_asset/ applicationDirectory assets r N/A N/A Yes
/data/data/<app-id>/ applicationStorageDirectory - r/w N/A N/A Yes
cache cacheDirectory cache r/w Yes Yes* Yes
files dataDirectory files r/w Yes No Yes
Documents - documents r/w Yes No Yes
<sdcard>/ externalRootDirectory sdcard r/w Yes No No
Android/data/<app-id>/ externalApplicationStorageDirectory - r/w Yes No No
cache externalCacheDirectory cache-external r/w Yes No** No
files externalDataDirectory files-external r/w Yes No No

iOS File System Layout

Device Path $m.file.* iosExtraFileSystems r/w? persistent? OS clears sync private
/var/mobile/Applications/<UUID>/ applicationStorageDirectory - r N/A N/A N/A Yes applicationDirectory bundle r N/A N/A N/A Yes
www/ - - r N/A N/A N/A Yes
Documents/ documentsDirectory documents r/w Yes No Yes Yes
NoCloud/ - documents-nosync r/w Yes No No Yes
Library - library r/w Yes No Yes Yes
NoCloud/ dataDirectory library-nosync r/w Yes No No Yes
Cloud/ syncedDataDirectory - r/w Yes No Yes Yes
Caches/ cacheDirectory cache r/w Yes Yes No Yes
tmp/ tempDirectory - r/w No Yes No Yes


Use this method to display a file picker dialog and retrieve an object that represents the selected file with the file path.


$m.chooseFile(success_callback, error_callback);


success_callback: (function). Callback function that provides the object or the file path.

error_callback: (function). Callback function that provides the error object. The error object contains,

  • message: (String). A short description of the error.
  • description: (String). A detailed description of the error.


The object that represents the selected file or the path of the file.


$m,chooseFile(success_callback , error_callback)
var success_callback = function(res){ 
// do something  
Var error_callback = function(res){ 
// do something  


Use this method to extract all the file from a specified zip file to a directory on the file system.


$m.unzipFile( srcFile, destination, success_callback, error_callback );


success_callback: (function). Callback function that provides the success object.

  • message: (String). A short description of the success.

error_callback: (function). Callback function that provides the error object.

  • message: (String). A short description of the error.

srcFile: (object). The full path and file name of the zip archive that needs to be extracted.

destDirectory: (object). The path to the directory or the folder where the files would be extracted.


The object that represents the success or error message.


$m.unzipFile( srcFile, destination, success_callback, error_callback ); 
var success_callback = function(res){ 
// do something  
var error_callback = function(res){ 
// do something  
var srcFile = new DirectoryEntry("test","/test/","file://asserts_files","file://asserts_files/test") 
var destination= new DirectoryEntry("test","/test/","file://asserts_files","file://asserts_files/test")



An object that represents a directory on a file system.


DirectoryEntry( name, path, filesystem, nativeurl );


name: (string). The name of the DirectoryEntry, excluding the path leading to it.

path: (string). The full absolute path from the root to the DirectoryEntry.

filesystem: (string). The filesystem on which the DirectoryEntry resides.

nativeurl: (string). URL for the DirectoryEntry.



Look up metadata about a directory.


  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called with a Metadata object.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback function that is called if an error occurs when retrieving the Metadata object.


Set metadata on a directory.

This method works only in iOS.


  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is executed when the metadata is successfully set.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback function that is executed when the metadata fails to be set.
  • metadataObject: (object) An object that contains the metadata's keys and values.


Move a directory to a different location on the file system.


  • Parent: (DirectoryEntry). The parent directory you want to move the directory.
  • newname: (String). The new name of the directory.
  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called with the DirectoryEntry object of the new directory.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback function that is called if an error occurs when attempting to move the directory.


Copy a directory to a different location on the file system.


  • Parent: (DirectoryEntry). The parent directory you want to copy the directory.
  • newname: (String). The new name of the directory.
  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called with the DirectoryEntry object of the new directory.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback function that is called if an error occurs when attempting to copy the underlying directory.


Returns a URL which is used to locate a directory.




Delete a directory. The directory must be empty.


  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called after the directory has been deleted.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback function that is called if an error occurs when attempting to delete the directory.


Look up the parent directory.


  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called with the directory's parent DirectoryEntry.
  • errorCallback: (function). A callback that is called if an error occurs when attempting to retrieve the parent DirectoryEntry. Invoked with a FileError object. (Function)


Create a new DirectoryReader to read entries in a directory.




Creates or looks up a directory.


  • Path: (String). The path to the directory to be looked up or created.
  • Options: (Flags). Options to specify whether the directory is created if it doesn't exist.
  • successCallback: (function). Callback functions that is invoked with a DirectoryEntry object.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback that is called if an error occurs creating or looking up the directory.


Creates or looks up a file.


  • Path: (String). The path to the file to be looked up or created.
  • Options: (Flags). Options to specify whether the file is created if it doesn't exist.
  • successCallback: (function). Callback functions that is invoked with a FileEntry object.
  • errorCallback: (function).  Callback that is called if an error occurs creating or looking up the file.


Delete a directory and all of its contents.


  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called after the DirectoryEntry has been deleted.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback function that is called if an error occurs when attempting to delete the DirectoryEntry.


var de = new DirectoryEntry("test","/test/","file://asserts_files","file://asserts_files/test")


An object that lists the files and directories within a directory.


var directoryReader = de.createReader(); 



Use this method to read the entries in this directory.


  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is passed as an array of FileEntry and DirectoryEntry objects.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback function that is called if an error occurs retrieving the directory listing.


var success_callback = function(res){ 
// do something  
Var error_callback = function(res){ 
// do something  

// Get a list of all the entries in the directory
directoryReader.readEntries(success_callback ,error_callback);


An object that represents a file on a file system. 


FileEntry( name, path, filesystem, nativeurl );


name: (string). The name of the FileEntry, excluding the path leading to it.

path: (string). The full absolute path from the root to the FileEntry.

filesystem: (string). The filesystem on which the FileEntry resides.

nativeurl: (string). URL for the FileEntry.



Look up metadata about a file.


  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called with the Metadata object.
  • errorCallback: (function). A callback that is called if an error happens retrieving the Metadata.


Set metadata on a file.


  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called when the metadata was successfully set.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback function that is called when the metadata was not successfully set.
  • metadataObject: (object). An object that contains the metadata keys and values.


Move a file to a different location on the file system.


  • parent: (DirectoryEntry). The directory to which to move the file.
  • newname: (String). The new name of the file. Defaults to the Entry's current name if unspecified.
  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called with the FileEntry for the new location.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback function that is called if an error occurs when attempting to move the file.


Copy a file to a different location on the file system.


  • parent: (DirectoryEntry). The directory to which to move the file.
  • newname: (String). The new name of the file. Defaults to the Entry's current name if unspecified.
  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called with the FileEntry for the new location.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback function that is called if an error happens when attempting to copy the file.


Return a URL that can be used to locate a file. 




Delete a file.


  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called if file deletion is success.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback function that is called if an error occurs when attempting to delete the file.


Look up the DirectoryEntry containing the file.


  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called with the file's parent DirectoryEntry. (Function)
  • errorCallback: (function). A callback that is called if an error occurs when attempting to retrieve the parent DirectoryEntry.


Creates a new FileWriter object associated with the file that the FileEntry represents.


  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called with the new FileEntry.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback function that is called if an error happens while attempting to create the FileWriter.


Creates a file object containing file properties.


  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called with the file.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback function that is called if an error occurs when creating the file.


var fe = new FileEntry("test","/test/","file://asserts_files/test.txt","file://asserts_files/test.txt") 


An object which can be used to read data from the file or access it. 


entry.file(success_callback, error_callback); 


  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called when the accessing the file is a success.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback function that is called when an error occurs while trying to access the file. 


function win(file) { 
    var reader = new FileReader(); 
    reader.onloadend = function (evt) { 
        // do something  
var fail = function (evt) { 
entry.file(win, fail);


An object that represents a file system. 



  • name: (String). The name of the file system.
  • root: (DirectoryEntry). The root directory of the file system.


function onSuccess(fileSystem) { 
// request the persistent file system 
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onSuccess, null);


An object that allows you to create and write files to the device file system. This object is created for a single file.


entry.createWriter(success_callback, error_callback); 


  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is called when the FileWriter has been created successfully; the FileWriter is passed into Callback as the only parameter.
  • errorCallback: (function). Callback function that is called when an error occurs while trying to create the FileWriter. This callback returns a FileError object describing the error.


function win(writer) { 
    // fast forwards file pointer to end of file; 
var fail = function(evt) { 
entry.createWriter(win, fail);


An object that helps you to gain access to a root file system.


window.requestFileSystem(storage_type, size, success_callback, error_callback); 


  • type: (Constants). The storage type of the file system you want to gain access.
  • size: (value). The amount of storage space you wish to have allocated for your app's use.
  • successCallback: (function). Callback function that is invoked when the file system has been successfully obtained.
  • errorCallback:(function). Callback function that is called is an error occurs while attempting to obtain the file system, or if the user denies permission to create or access the file system. The callback returns a FileError object describing the error.


function onSuccess(fileSystem) { 
// request the persistent file system 
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onSuccess, onError);


The FileError object represents the error conditions that you might encounter while accessing the file system using any of the File API methods.

The objects are passed to File API’s error callbacks. The objects have a code that the developers must read to determine the type of error that occurred.


  • code: (Value). The predefined error codes for a specific condition error condition.

    The following table provides the numeric value associated with each error constants.


    The required file or directory (object) couldn’t be found at the time the operation was processed.


    The access to the file or the operation isn’t allowed due to specific restrictions.


    The operation was aborted.

    NOT_READABLE_ERR4The file or directory is not readable, perhaps due to permission problems or another concurrently locked by another application.

    The URL is malformed. Make sure that the URL is complete and valid.


    The object (file or directory) can’t be modified due to the state of the underlying file system.


    The operation can’t be performed as the current state of the object is invalid.


    An invalid string value is specified.

    INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR9The object can’t be modified due to the current state of the object.
    QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR10Either there's not enough remaining storage space or the storage quota has reached.
    TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR11The app looked up an object, but type of the object does not match the expected type.



    The file or directory with the same path already exists.