External CSS

External CSS files help you to design your app views with custom styles for enhanced visualization. You need to first create the CSS files within a project and then add them to a UI Model.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the project and navigate to the UI Model folder.
  2. Click the context menu, select New, and click CSS.
  3. Enter File Name and click OK. The file is saved with .css extension.
  4. In the file editor, enter the CSS script that you want use in your application design and Save the file.
  5. Navigate to the UI model (.vm file) that you want to associate with the external CSS.
  6. Click ADD from the External CSS drop-down and select the .css file that you created.
  7. Click Save to update the UI model (.vm file).
  8. You have successfully added the external CSS to your app view.