Install ASG-Studio

This topic explains how to install ASG-Studio. You can use the installer, an executable file that helps you to install ASG-Studio, all its components and RPA Tools.

Perform the following procedures:

  1. Verify Prerequisites
  2. Install ASG-Studio
  3. Modify Default Configuration (Optional)
  4. Launch ASG-Studio Manager

Verify Prerequisites

Your computer must meet the following prerequisites to install ASG-Studio:

Requirement Specifications and Supported Versions
  • Dual Core Processor 2.0 GHz 64 Bit
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 2 GB Storage

ASG-Studio saves your applications in file format. So, you will need additional space based on the size of the applications that you design.

Operating System
  • Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition build 17763
  • Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition build 14393
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition build 9600 updated with Windows8-RT-KB2999226-x64.msu.
  • Windows 10 Enterprise Edition build 17134 / 17763 / 18362 / 18363
  • Windows 10 Professional build 17134 / 17763 / 18362 / 18363
  • Node.js 12.0.0
  • .NET Core SDK 3.1.101
  • Angular CLI 8.0.0
  • Zulu JDK (8u242)
  • Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable
  • Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8 Runtime

If a higher version of these software are already installed, you must delete them before running the ASG-Studio installer. If an older version is installed, the installer will automatically upgrade them to the supported version.

Web Browser

ASG-Studio supports only Google Chrome 57 or higher and must set as your default web browser.

The RPA components require Chrome Driver and is by default available under the path C:\Program Files (x86)\ASG RPA BotEngine\Resources. Chrome Driver uses the same version number scheme as Chrome. Each version of Chrome Driver supports Chrome with matching major, minor, and build version numbers. For example, Chrome Driver 73.0.3683.20 supports all Chrome versions that start with 73.0.3683.

The current version of ASG-Studio includes Chrome Driver version 85.0.4183. That means you should also upgrade your Chrome to version 85.0.4183.

If you want to use a different version of Chrome, ensure that you replace the chromedriver.exe file under the path C:\Program Files (x86)\ASG RPA BotEngine\Resources with matching Chrome Driver version. Various versions of Chrome Driver are currently available for download at

Desktop Resolution ASG-Studio is better viewed with the desktop resolution set to 1366 x 768 pixels.

Install ASG-Studio

You can install ASG-Studio on any computer where all the prerequisites are available.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Run Asg_Studio.exe as administrator.
  2. Click Yes, if User Account Control (UAC) consent dialog prompts.
  3. Click Install.
  4. Review the terms of license, select the I accept the license agreement checkbox and click Next.
  5. Review the prerequisites and click Next.
  6. Click Done when you see the message “STUDIO has been successfully installed”.

    ASG-Studio is installed and the following files and folders are created in your computer:

    • ASG STUDIO: Folder created under the path C:\Program Files (x86)\ and contains ASG-Studio installation files.
    • Studio_Workspace: Folder created under the path C:\ to store various files that are auto generated when you create projects and design applications in ASG-Studio.
    • ASG RPA BotEngine: Folder created under the path C:\Program Files (x86)\ and contains Bot Engine installation files.
    • ASG.StudioManager: The shortcut file added on your desktop to launch ASG-Studio Manager.
    • Windows Build Tools: The supporting tools for Angular CLI are installed using Node Package Manager (npm).
  7. ASG-Studio is installed. You must now launch ASG-Studio Manager and start the required services to open and start working with ASG-Studio.

Modify Default Configuration (Optional)

ASG-Studio is preconfigured to run on port 3030 by default. If the port specified in configuration files is not available, ASG-Studio cannot start. If you want to run ASG-Studio on a different port, you must update the configuration files.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the application.yaml file using a text editor under the path C:\Program Files (x86)\ASG STUDIO\config\ and modify the port number. You must replace the value 3030 in the following lines with the port number that you want to use to run ASG-Studio:
  2. Copy
        port: 3030
        service-task-url-placeholder: http://localhost:3030  #This port number must be same as port number where ASG-Studio is running.
        bot-engine-host: http://localhost:3030
        business-rule-task-url-placeholder : http://localhost:3030
  3. Open the RPABotEngine.dll.config file using a text editor under the path \C:\Program Files (x86)\ASG RPA BotEngine\ and modify the port number. You must replace the value 3030 in the following lines with the port number specified in application.yaml file:
  4. Copy
    <add key="BaseUrl" value="http://localhost:3030" />
    <add key="CORSModeler" value="http://localhost:3030"/>
  5. Open the ASG.StudioManager.dll.config file using a text editor under the path C:\Program Files (x86)\ASG RPA BotEngine\StudioManager\ and modify the port number. You must replace the value 3030 in the following lines with the port number specified in application.yaml file:
  6. Copy
        <add key="StudioPort" value="3030"/>
        <add key="VaultServicePort" value="5001"/>
        <add key="OCRServicePort" value="5004"/>
        <add key="StudioServiceLink" value="http://localhost:3030/projects"/>
  7. Save and close all the files.

The preconfigured port number is updated.

Launch ASG-Studio Manager

After installing ASG-Studio, you must start the required services from ASG-Studio Manager.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Double click ASG.StudioManager shortcut on your desktop.
  2. Click Start. When the required services are started, you can find the following icons in your desktop system tray:
    • ASG Studio Manager: Represents ASG Studio Manager that you can use to Open Studio, access Advanced options such as Open Logs, RPA Tools and Stop and Start the services when needed. ASG-Studio Manager will continue running from system tray when you close the ASG Studio Manager window on your desktop.
    • ASG Bot Engine: Represents the robotic process and required to execute RPA Model in ASG-Studio. ASG Bot Engine connects to ASG-Studio using only HTTPS protocol and required SSL certificate is installed on your computer.

    Based on your firewall settings if you see Windows security alert blocking any of the ASG-Studio functions, select whether your network type is private, public or domain and allow access.

  3. Click Open Studio to launch ASG-Studio in web browser.
  4.  Click Advanced to work with the following options as required:
    1. Click Open Logs to see the studio.log file which contains the log messages that ASG-Studio generates based on various activities you perform in ASG-Studio.
    2. Click RPA Tools to access Automation Spy and Mouse Locator.
      • Automation Spy: Helps to automate desktop application using Elements Automation ID. You can capture the Automation ID of each element and use in the RPA Model activity properties of your applications.
      • Mouse Locator: Helps to identify the location of a UI element on your device using the mouse cursor position. The tool instantly identifies your mouse cursor position and provides an X and Y axis position value. You can specify these values in the Mouse Click action of automation task in the RPA Model activity properties of your applications.
      • SAP Tracker: Navigate to Scripting Tracker download page. Scripting Tracker is a utility and a replacement to the SAP GUI Scripting Development Tools.
    3. Stop or Start the following services as required:
      1. Derby: Refers to Derby database that must always run for ASG-Studio to work.
      2. Studio Server: Refers to ASG-Studio server backend for ASG-Studio to work.
      3. Vault Service: Refers to Vault Management to store sensitive information and required for Robotic Services to work in ASG-Studio.
      4. Robotic Process: Refers to ASG Bot Engine and required to execute RPA Model in ASG-Studio applications.
      5. OCR Service: Refers to the service that supports Robotic Services to recognize text in scanned documents.
      6. Recorder Service: Refers to the service that supports recording user actions in a web application, playback the recording, and associate the recording with Recorder Actions Automation bot.

    ASG-Studio is opened and you can start designing applications to support ASG-Zenith business services.