Datasource Commands Automation

The Datasource Commands Automation activity allows you to execute a webservice method that is already created in the specified datasource. You can use this activity to connect to a datasource and execute a webservice method.

You can use the following activity to design an RPA bot that can create a connection to a datasource and execute a webservice method:

Datasource Connect

This action enables you to connect to a datasource and execute a webservice method that already exists within it.


  • Name: Enter the display name of the action.
  • Datasource: Select the datasource that exists in the current project.
  • Method: Select the webservice method that you want to execute in the current activity. For POST and PUT methods where data type is JSON, you must send the data in JSON format.
  • Attributes: Enter key-value pairs of the function attributes of the selected method. You cannot provide empty value for Limit and Offset keys. If no value is specified for Limit and Offset in the corresponding webservice method, you can enter 0 (zero) as value.
  • Response Reference: Enter the name of the variable where to store the response that will be received from the webservice method after the current activity is executed. For Webservice API Datasource the response variable type will change to Dataset or List or String based on the response received from webservice.
  • Advanced: Specifies the application related information that you want to pass to the webservice for processing along with the URL of the Method. Enter the key-value pairs to form the required headers.