Test Decision Model

After adding business rules to your decision model, you can evaluate the rules with given input and resulted output.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Launch ASG-Studio and open the project that includes your decision model.
  2. Navigate to Decision Models folder and open the Decision Model that you want to test.
  3. Select the row number of the rule that you want to test. Select the check-box in the index column of header row to select all the rules.
  4. Click Test.
  5. Enter an Input value that matches the Inputs specified while creating the rule and click TEST.
  6. Verify the output that is specified in the rule. If the decision table contains any invalid data, an error is displayed. Update the decision table as required and retest your decision model.
  7. After resolving all the issues and saving your decision model, you can add it to a process model and use in the applications. See, Business Rule Task to add decision model to process. If you are designing your first Decision Services application, see Tutorial: Design your first decision services app for an example use case.