Visualizing and Processing Query Results

Working with Query Results

When a query is executed, the query result layout depends on the query type.

  • The results of Item Environment queries can be displayed as diagrams, tables, item tables, or relationship trees.
  • The results of item inventories and item searches are displayed as tables.
  • The results of comparison queries are displayed in query-specific layouts.

When you are considering working with query results, it is helpful to make a distinction between display-oriented actions and content-oriented actions. Display-oriented actions change the appearance of the diagram, table, item table, or relationship tree, or update it again from the database, while content-oriented actions actually change the state or content of the items that are displayed in the query result.

For example, when you detach an item from a view by pressing the Del key on the keyboard, the item is removed from the diagram. If there are any relationships that connected it to other items, these are removed, too. However, the item remains in the database, and so do its relationships. When you re-execute the query, the item will be displayed in the result again.

By contrast, when you right-click an item and delete it by using the Remove option, the item is physically removed from the database. When you re-execute the query, the item is still missing.

All display-oriented actions are available in the local toolbar of the diagram, table, item table, or relationship tree.