Task Report

This table describes column properties specific to the Task Report:



Service Type of service.
Agent ID Agent ID associated with the task.
Agent Name Agent name associated with the task.
Login Login used for the task.
Login ID Login ID used for the task.
Last Normal Last time and date the task executed with normal status.
Last Abnormal Last time and date the task executed with Abnormal status.
Last Error Last time and date the task executed with Error status.
Simulate Indicates if the task is run as simulated.
Avg Duration Average duration for the task to run.
Return Output Indicates if the output is returned to the server.
Is Agent List Indicates if the Task is in agent list.
Notes Specific content of the log file.
Notes(new row) Specific content of the log file, which will display in the View PDF and View HTML options.

This report also includes columns from the Definitions Report. See Definitions Report for information.