Copying Configuration Files

This step should be performed if you are upgrading from A&AS 8.5 and earlier.

To upgrade from older versions to A&AS 10.0, not applicable for upgrade from A&AS 9.0 and later

1. Create a temporary directory, named ConfigurationMigration, outside of the ABSNet installation directory.
2. (Optional) If LDAP is enabled in the older version, set the Authentication Method field under the Options tab in the ABS Configuration Manager to ABS Server.
3. Copy the following configuration files from the existing ABSNet server installation root directory. (For example, for version 8.x, C:\Program Files\ASG\ViewDirect-ABS and for version 5.x,C:\Program Files\Mobius\ABSNET)to the ConfigurationMigration directory.
ABSConfig.ini (C:\Program Files\ASG\ViewDirect-ABS\Config)
4. In the ABSConfig.ini file:
These steps are applicable only for MS SQL database in older versions, such as A&AS 5.0.0.
a. Replace com.asg.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver to
b. Ensure that the jdbc URL is as follows:


5. Uninstall the existing ABSNet application.
6. Restart the machine. Ensure that the Mobius RMI Server and Apache Tomcat services are removed. If not, remove them manually.
7. Perform the steps that are described in the Installing A&AS on Windows topic.
8. Copy the ConfigurationMigration directory to the A&AS application root directory (For example, C:\Program Files\ASG\AAS).