Deploy (on-premises only)

You can quickly and easily deploy the ASG-Zenith platform on premises using Docker. Containerized deployment allows you to install all ASG-Zenith services at once.


Install Docker Desktop in the machine where ASG-Zenith will be deployed. Docker Desktop for Windows requires Hyper-V or WSL2. Refer to Docker documentation for more information.

You need to configure Docker resources to meet these requirements:

  • CPUs: At least 4 virtual CPUs
  • Memory: At least 8 GB RAM

Finally, make sure Docker can listen on ports 443 and 8500.

Deploy using Docker Compose

To deploy ASG-Zenith, follow these steps:

  1. In the ASG ACCESS Portal, search for ZENITH in the product list and download the deployment files for ASG-Zenith 6.3. Then save them to a local folder.

  2. In the command line, navigate to the folder where you saved the file.
  3. Execute the following command to import the Docker images included in the .tar file (replace XXX with your .tar file version number):
    docker load -i docker-images.XXX.tar

    Once the import process is completed, you can use this command to list local images and check that the ASG-Zenith images have been properly imported:

    docker image ls
  4. Finally, rename the docker-compose.XXX-production.yml file to docker-compose.yml and run this command to get the Docker containers, deploy them and start the platform:
    docker-compose up

    You can also keep the file name and add it as a parameter (replace XXX with your .yml file version number):

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.XXX-production.yml up
  5. Open the Docker Dashboard to check the status of the containers. Make sure that both the asg-seeding-tool and the asg-mobius-data-init exited with code 0.
    Checking status of containers in the Docker Dashboard
For information on installing Robotic Services, see Install Robotic Services on target machines in the ASG-Zenith Portal documentation.

Stop and remove containers

If you need to clean up your environment because you had trouble during Docker deployment or need to deploy a new version from scratch, run this command to stop and remove your Docker containers:

docker-compose down -v

Other useful Docker commands

Action Command / Shortcut
Stop all services Press CTRL + C
Pull the Docker containers again when upgrading from a lower version docker-compose pull
List all running services docker ps -a
Get the logs for a particular service docker logs <servicename>
Get the logs for a particular service and keep listening docker logs <servicename> -f
Copy logs from a container to your local computer docker cp <containerId>:/logs/folder /your/computer/directory
Start a service docker start <servicename>
Restart a service docker restart <servicename>
Stop a service docker stop <servicename>

Upload license file

Once deployment has been completed successfully, you need to upload your license file to the platform. Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the following URL in your browser: https://domain/zenith/prs/license/
    Note that if you need to access this section again after ASG-Zenith configuration has been completed (for example, to update your license file), you can do so by selecting License ManagementLicense Management link icon in the ASG-Zenith Console home screen or left menu.
  2. Log in to ASG-Zenith. When logging in to the platform for the first time, use the following credentials (you will be prompted to change this password after the first login):

    User name: admin

    Password: ZenithAdmin!

  3. In the License Information screen, select Choose file and browse your system to select the license file. When done, click Upload.
    Uploading Zenith license file

You can now access the ASG-Zenith Console to start configuring your platform.


These are some of the issues that you may face when deploying ASG-Zenith using Docker:

Docker Desktop is not running

Issue When executing the docker-compose up, there is a connection error and the system can't find the file.
Reason The Docker client is not running or not responding.
Solution To fix this issue, start Docker Desktop or, if it is already running, restart it. If the error still occurs, stop Docker.service from the Task Manager and restart Docker Desktop.


Invalid docker-compose file

Issue An error occurs because certain services contain an invalid type.

The Docker Compose version is outdated. Run this command to check your Docker Compose version:

docker-compose version

You need to upgrade your Docker Compose version to 1.27.4.


Seeding tool error

Issue When deployment is successful, the seeding tool exits with code 0. When the code is other than 0, deployment has failed.
Reason There may be a dependency issue with another service.

After the asg-idp-service has started, rerun the seeding tool:

docker-compose up asg-seeding-tool


No seed data

Issue In some environments, the asg-seeding-tool container may timeout and fail without initializing data.
Reason Startup is taking too long.

Change the timeout values in the compose file for asg-seeding-tool to allow it to complete initialization without timing out.

Seeding__WaitForPause: '1000'
Seeding__WaitForRetries: '3000'

You will need to kill and restart the compose file after the change.