Introducing CAE Manager

CAE Manager essentially provides a connection manager and several database and entry point tools for use by the CAE administrators and/or ASG Customer Support analysts. As a CAE administrator, you will use CAE Manager to perform these tasks:

Adding, editing, and removing connections to your Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases and the CAE entry points they host. (See Using the Connection Manager.)
Checking the database parameters. (See Checking the Database Parameters.)
Evaluating the database space your entry point requires. (See Evaluating the Database Space Needed for an Entry Point.)
Initializing your Oracle databases for CAE. (See Initializing an Oracle Database for CAE.)
Generating Oracle DBA scripts for CAE. (See Generating Oracle DBA Scripts for CAE.)
Initializing your Microsoft SQL Server databases for CAE. (See Initializing a Microsoft SQL Server Database for CAE.)
Generating SQL DBA scripts for CAE. (See Generating SQL Server DBA Scripts for CAE.)
Running scripts to generate CSV report of the data propagation results. (See Report Generation Scripts.)
Cleaning up CAE entry points by removing data propagation results or data lineage orphan links. (See Running Maintenance Tools from CAE Manager.)
Creating CAE entry points. (See Creating a CAE Entry Point.)
Initializing CAE entry points on empty schemas. (See Initializing a CAE Entry Point on an Empty Schema.)
Updating CAE entry points. (See Updating a CAE Entry Point.)
Deleting CAE entry points. (See Deleting a CAE Entry Point.)
Exporting CAE entry points. (See Exporting a CAE Entry Point.)
Importing CAE entry points. (See Importing a CAE Entry Point.)
Importing CAE entry points on empty schemas. (See Importing a CAE Entry Point on an Empty Schema.)
Viewing active sessions. (See Converting CAE Entry Point Sources to UTF-8.)

CAE Manager is located in the ASG-becubic } CAE folder under All Programs in the Start menu.

All the undocumented options of CAE Manager are reserved by ASG Customer Support or require their assistance.